Friday, August 27, 2010

Can't wait!

Look what I just saw Keith carrying!

I totally fell in LOVE that box and when I asked what's in there, he said I have to wait for my birthday.  Yayyy!  It's MINE!!!

And when I told him that even giving me that gorgeous box was enough, he said it was very funny because the salesgirl asked if he wanted the gift put in a box or in bubble-wrap, he said "Box!" thinking it would be something cardboard, but then she put it in this and he thought "It's so nice it's like another gift, and this one free!"

You recall how often you give kids a big present and they end up ignoring the gift and playing with the box instead?  Well, that's exactly how I feel at the moment.

And do you blame me? That the box is so terrific, it'd have to be a pretty amazing present to trump it!

Mind you, I'd have got hours of pleasure from popping that bubble-wrap too!

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