Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Do you know about these?  Wasgijs? 

 The New Zealand invention 
that's become this craze that 
really deserves to sweep the world.

They are these New Zealand jigsaw puzzles that work like a regular jigsaw except you don't get a picture of what you're trying to put together. Instead you're given a clue wherein you're told to either: 

1) put together a picture of what a nominated person in the given picture is looking at
2) the picture as it would look minutes later.

You cannot imagine how much fun it is. Nor how difficult.  Nor how absorbing.

Here's one we started earlier!

It's like an entire left-brain/right-brain workout where you have to use a combination of logic and guesswork and, well, once you start you can't stop and huge chunks of time just vanishes. While staying at Jane's, every night after dinner we'd break out one box and "ten minutes later" look up to discover it was actually two in the morning. And, strangely, you weren't tired, just energised ... however you paid the price the following day.

I first came across them at Lois and Paul's place in NZ when Jaime got a box for Christmas. Lots of squealing "OMG, a Wasgij.  I love these. I love these." In fact, she was  so excited she had to get onto it straight away, so set up a bridge-table and ... well, in no time at all, the entire household was gathered around and the intense discussions and contributions took up the next five hours.  There was no way you could stay out of it.

Same thing happened at Jane's. No one could walk past the table without stopping to make suggestions, and then they'd immediately be sucked in as well.  "I'm too stupid for this." Julie kept saying, until she realised she wasn't.

Jane is determined to collect the entire set and with five of them already she's made a start.

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