Monday, March 21, 2011

Random Photo # something!

Since nothing is happening, for today's post I'm again selecting a photo with my eyes shut to talk about - or not, if it's too boring!

This isn't nearly as much fun since Keith lost 28,000 of my photos (OK, not actually lost, just somewhere where I can't find them) but let's do it anyway:

Oh, this is hilarious!  I was feeling a little blue several months ago, and someone suggested I take a Medicine Walk to work out what I needed in my life.

If you don't know, a Medicine Walk is something that Native Americans do (did?) when they have a problem.  Apparently you tell The Great Spirit your issue and then you take a walk with your eyes truly open and look out for a sign.

Since this was a weekend and Keith was home, I told him what I was up to and invited him along, but he told me I was being particularly daft and so, in Keith's presence, I told the air around me that I was feeling a lack in my life and asked what I needed, and left without him ...

... and barely had I started out this building when I saw this piece of plastic lying on the ground.  It was definitely unexpected because this is Hong Kong and you seldom see rubbish, let alone random pieces of rubbish with English writing ... and it had that angel on it.  I mean, how amazing is that!  Besides, the message really jibed with me and I was so surprised that I snapped this photo as proof to show Keith I'd got an answer!

Good one, huh! And, trust me, I will be taking many Medicine Walks in the future! And I doubt Keith will laugh at me in future!

Reminds me, in the past I used to play a game with myself I called Bibliomancy, where I'd be down or have a problem and so go to the local library and wander aimlessly until I felt the urge to pick out a book which I'd open at random and read whatever was beneath my finger.  It used to astonish me how often those words would jibe.

Like, once, recently, while in HK's Central Library, I was feeling a kinda free-floating sadness so decided to resuscitate my old game to see if I could work out why I was so low.  Without giving it a moment's rational thought, I wandered around and grabbed a book at random which turned out to be "Trinny and Suzanna's What Not to Wear" and the words under my finger read "Your pants are too short, your shoes don't match your outfit, your hair is a mess. Fix these up and you'll be surprised at how much better you feel." ...

... and dammit if it wasn't exactly right!  So I whizzed out of there to see Elf, my hairdresser, (sincerely, my hairdresser's name is Elf.) and got a haircut and instantly felt so much better!

Proper standard therapy would have taken hours and a great deal of money to reach this conclusion but here I was, with my downright and spurious irrationality, being given this excellent advice for free.

Rational thinking really is vastly over-rated, you realise!

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