Monday, July 11, 2011

Off Again!

Off to Sydney this evening.  Will be gone six weeks.  Not sure when I'll have time to blog - and I certainly won't be showing you photos - but I will try to let you know what's happening if I can find a nice cyber-cafe someplace that doesn't look like it intends to steal my data and post out zillions of "Buy Viagra" and "Nigerian bank accounts" spam in my name.

BTW, did you know I saw that Nigerian guy - the one behind those letters - getting arrested?  Yeah, seriously!  Happened right in front of me!  OK, OK, I just saw him being walked out of the hotel in handcuffs accompanied by over a dozen cops and I had no idea what I'd actually seen until I read about it in SCMP.  But how cool is it that I saw him in the flesh after getting all those letters from him for over a decade?  Honestly, living in Wan Chai really does put you in the centre of everything!

Anyway, I know I promised to tell you a lot more about Manila, but you'll have to wait for those.

See you soon!

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