Monday, October 10, 2011

The Meaning of Life!

Bernd has so kindly lent me his book "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene to help me make sense of String Theory, so I've been slowly making my way through that - with so many cutaways to Wikipedia to look up things I've never even heard of - and finding it all so interesting that, for the first time in my life, I'm regretting that I didn't take Physics at school (I'm through-and-through Humanities and the obligatory science subject I chose was Biology, a decision I've never regretted), but whoever knew that Physics was so interesting ... except back in our day, it wasn't!  Ewww!

But between reading and Wiki-pedering, I've been racing off to watch The Rugby World Cup - GO ALL BLACKS - and loving it all so much that I've started making jokes that perhaps Rugby is the true meaning of life.  It very certainly makes sense of it ...

... so I really had to laugh when I saw an article in South China Morning Post on Sunday, where a fellow actually made that claim that "Rugby is actually the meaning of life."

Let me take a photo of the page so you can see for yourself:

It's a story of a lost young thug who was given a second-chance by HK police - no jail if he joined a Rugby team - which he did ... and found his life suddenly swung around because this game made sense of the world for him and through it he found his feet and his path and he's never looked back ... and now he's started a team for other troubled youths and working with police to identify big stroppy kids who like to fight, who are at risk of joining Triad gangs, and teaching them to play.

Good one, right?
I'm thrilled about this because, in an early post, I wrote about Nathan and his views on "Why Asians Can't Play Rugby!" where I quote him as saying "Every nation produces big stroppy boys who love to fight!" and his suggestion that they should identify these boys and channel them into Rugby, so I'm now thinking that maybe these neutrino subatomic particles picked up on Nathan's ideas and spread them out into the wider world ...

... or - and this one is much more likely - that Nathan also suggested this idea to other patrons at his restaurant and so the idea took fruit!

Or maybe, even, that the HK Police read my blog.  Ewwww!

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