Monday, January 9, 2012

The Llama Strikes Again!

I've told you about The Llama before, even showing you a photo she took by turning her camera onto herself in the bathroom at a casting session after she was asked for image. Yeah, it was one of her earliest ever casting sessions, before she knew you were meant to bring headshots to these things:

 Most folks pay a LOT of money 
to get shots this good!
Oh to be 17 again.

But if you're not up to speed with this, my baby sister Jane's friend Abi's eldest daughter, Lili Latham, is the wayyy talented songwriter/singer who is known to family as Llama and who was picked up to, from memory, to play an elf in Lord of the Rings or something along those lines. And she's in three episodes of "Legend of the Seeker" and there is something else on the horizon that is still hush-hush so let's just say "Thank you Mr Jackson." and let it go for now.

Anyway, she's started making little videos for youtube, showcasing her original songs, which you should really check out sometime.

In the meantime,  check out this one.  Llama singing at PukaPuka Shire Hall, in her little NZ town, on talent night. It breaks my heart that such a talented singer has folks talking all through what is such a world-class performance.  And don't you just adore her steampunk outfit.

Something very special here, yes?  Enough to make you long for a daughter of your own? And do look for her original songs on youtube. You can link from that one above into her others. 


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