Sunday, February 19, 2012

Who is this Blanchett?

Richard was traveling through a small country town in Australia when he spotted a small fair and stopped to look around, when, at a stall selling "jumble", he saw this very old photo:

He thought it looked so much like Aussie actress Cate Blanchett ...

 Jawbone, chin, cheekbones, eyes, 
nose, mouth, eyebrows?
Yup, I think Richard's nailed it.

 ... he bought it as a joke, but since then he's become intensely interested in who she could possibly be.

Does anyone know?

Since the town in question is the small country town Cate Blanchett's mother's family comes from, he's now pretty well convinced this is a photograph of some random ancestor and he would dearly love to gift this portrait to her.

Does anyone know Cate?  Can anyone show her this photo?  If she too thinks this is a portrait of some random ancestor of her mother and would really like to own this photo, Richard would love to give it to her, so just ask and I can put you in touch with Richard.

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