Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Inner Conspiracy Theorist!

It niggles.  Little things niggle.  The latest?

Well, yesterday in China Daily, the Chinese Communist Party Propaganda newspaper, there was a most disturbing article that ... oh, let me just take a photo for you:

It's about how North Koreans are brainwashed as children into hating the USA.

It's very disturbing - particularly how they have a famous old photograph of children killing an American on the walls on their classrooms - but what is very niggling me is that I have seen that caricature before. Recently too.  And certainly not in North Korea.

Let me see if I can find it again.

Got it.  Look in the background of this shot of Jack London in Bohemian Grove back at the turn of the last century, at that picture of an arab.  

Is that the same drawing or what?  OK, my Inner Conspiracy Theorist is currently in overdrive however my rational brain is saying "Hate looks the same no matter who does it."

So let's stick with the latter, right?  Still, isn't it very very odd indeed.

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