Sunday, November 4, 2012

What Kills Us This Week!

Is it just me or does CY Leung look a lot like Bela Lugosi?  Let me check this out:

Both images
are undoubtedly copyrighted!
I found them on Google.

Yes, I can definitely see it ... so indeed they do; two men who look like they were born to play characters we'll one day dress up to look like during Halloween.

I'm currently hating CY Leung so much; like a deep quiet hatred right at my core.  I haven't felt this way about any leader since ...

... since ever.  I grew up having a truly GREAT leader: Fiji's  Ratu Mara

6 feet 9 inches of regal elegance, noblesse oblige and downright SMARTS with his finger right on the pulse of our very best selves ... and I think it was no accident that the wonderful film "The King's Speech" was written by David Seidler, Ratu Mara's former speech writer,  because anyone who ever knew Ratu Mara definitely KNEW what elements go into making a truly GREAT leader.

And I too, like David, and thanks to Ratu Mara, know what makes a great leader and I know that CY Leung definitely isn't one!  The Beijing Wolf is probably the worst leader I have ever known, what with having a conniving and sly entry into the leadership position, no understanding of what makes HK people tick, a secret agenda and ...

... no ... wait a sec! ... I lived in Australia when Paul Keating was leader and, yes, that guy too was truly a dick and I hated him too in the same deep quiet way - all that calling himself "the world's greatest treasurer" and meanwhile he's making stupid economic decisions that were genuinely screwing over the people and creating poverty everywhere which he has since apologised for and admitted he was very wrong - and also don't forget that it turned out he was lining his own pockets with his secret pig farms and such - and I also decided back then that he too looked a lot like Bela Lugosi.  Let's check that out too: 
 Ooooh, yeah!
Definitely got a Bela there!
And like CY, Paul had that conniving and sly entry into the leadership position, no understanding of what made his constituents tick, and since he always made what were ostensibly such clear-cut impossibly bad choices it's quite possible that he too had a secret agenda.
So yes, I have known bad leaders before, and so I know that CY Leung is definitely one.
The latest that's made me so cross with CY?  He's stirring up such anger in HK people that we're protesting him like crazy and in recent protests HKers have taken up waving the British flag.  I do have a great many photos of this, but I'll have to find them, and they're not very good anyway.  Nothing iconic and worth showing in any of those many downloads.

Anyway, waving the British flag is actually meant as a signal to Beijing that we here in HK have still got the Freedoms that the British put in place before The Handover and which THEY, the Chinese Communist Party, signed: the Joint Sino-British Agreement that for 50 years we'd still have Rule of Law and Freedom of Expression, Religion, Thought, and the Rights to Oppose, Direct, Demonstrate and Demand Change.
So THAT is what the British flag means here! However this isn't how it's seen in Beijing.  We now hear that the very highest ranking members of the Chinese Communist Party saw these protests and demanded CY have those flag wavers arrested for TREASON and CY had to explain to them what they had so obviously forgotten: that HK still has the Rights to Oppose, Direct, Demonstrate and Demand Change as enshrined in our Basic Law that THEY agreed to and we have their signatures to prove it.
So that's the latest: Beijing has now demanded that CY change things so Beijing CAN have HKers arrested for High Treason, which means that Article 23 is back on the table.

We can and MUST keep fighting this.  The CCP's hideous Article 23 HAS to be resisted with all our might because it will definitely undercut all those Freedoms that the Joint Sino-British Declaration has in place for us FOR ANOTHER 35 YEARS!!!

Mainland China simply doesn't get it.  Everything they're currently doing just says "We are sly, conniving and deeply dishonest and our word means NOTHING so don't trust us in the slightest"!  Oh yeah, good one, CCP!!!! THAT'S the message you want to send when you're trying to win hearts and minds!  NOT!!!!

So that's the Threatdown for this week, and it's a simple one:

Nasty bullies who bully nastily!


Anonymous said...

..."We are sly, conniving and deeply dishonest and our word means NOTHING so don't trust us in the slightest"! ...

Amazing how I got myself shunned for saying exactly the same thing about the (Mainland) Chinese. But when starry-eyed idealism - Inn Of The Sixth Happiness, The Good Earth, and all that - runs headlong into reality....

Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

..."We are sly, conniving and deeply dishonest and our word means NOTHING so don't trust us in the slightest"! ...

Amazing how I got myself shunned for saying exactly the same thing about the (Mainland) Chinese. But when starry-eyed idealism - Inn Of The Sixth Happiness, The Good Earth, and all that - runs headlong into reality....

Just a thought.
