Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I am still around!

Honeys, if you wonder where I've got to these days, I'm writing a novel.  It's a bad novel, sure, but with a Masters in Literature I feel I've paid my dues to the Higher Arts, and besides I've always thought bad literature was so much more fun.

Lots of stuff happening around me but I'm mostly not paying attention.

2013's HK7s starts in 27 hours but I haven't got tickets.

We are off to Osaka in a week for a week and I will try to blog the holiday.  Hopefully the novel will be finished by then and off on its journey, and my almost pathological need to write something/anything will again surface.

Fingers crossed for the poor sad wee thing.  My novel that is.

Oh, and we're also planning on being in London during July.  I am longing to see the "David Bowie is ..." Exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum.

And Fiji is having its own Exhibition which has me almost breathless with excitement.  All the universities and museums are putting their entire Fiji collections into one place and it's all stuff that hasn't been seen in Fiji for well over a century.  These foreign collectors took all the best stuff too so it's just going to be sublime BIGTIME!

So that's what's going down at the moment.  All is well.

In fact, all is so well, let's listen to that song again:


Anonymous said...

Once it's published I'm buying one. Promise! And I'll even pay extra if it's signed!!

(And no Kindle please. I only do hardbound - nicely skinned of course - the reason I know trivia such as books weigh 20 Lbs per cubic foot on average.)

BTW, what's it about?

Just a thought.


Julie said...

Ooooh - what an amazing time to be in London. Have the bestest time - and breathe in the Fiji exhibition :) :)