Monday, May 2, 2011

May Day!

Despite all efforts by the Mainland to make it not so, Hong Kong still enjoys all the Freedoms instigated when it was a British Colony and still not permitted - nor even understood - in Our Northern Motherland! (Things have got nasty again, but that's for another post.)

And one of those Freedoms is The Workers' Right to March every Labour Day, May 1st!

But I had to laugh - OK, not laugh but certainly give a big cheery smile -  because, here in HK, 'The Worker' isn't the concept it used to be ... and Labour Organisations appear not to have noticed.

Here's The Worker as HK Labour Organisations see him:

And here's The Worker as she really is!

Yup, HKers have, in general, over the past two centuries, Mensa-ed and/or entrepreneur-ed their way up from The Worker into The Professional, and so now hire in The Worker from Third World Nations to be The Under-class for them.  

And, my my!,  don't they treat them badly.

Originally, The Worker came from the Philippines, but in recent times these Filipina Ladies have, in HK's view, become "too bolshy" ...

Filipina's doing 'the bolshy'!
... forever committing dire and heinous acts like demanding a decent living wage ...
 Still struggling!

 ... refusing to be victims of violence ...

... and having the audacity to know their rights.  

  "We are not slaves! We are workers!" 

Thus, HK has started to hire from Indonesia because they aren't properly and strongly represented by Unions like the Filipina are, so you only have to pay them half what the average Filipina earns and, as a bonus, Indonesian women don't complain to the police when you press a burning hot iron onto their faces and other 'training them properly' things of that ilk.

But I'll show you a series of photos from yesterday's Labour March hoping you'll spot something new and interesting:

 What's Indonesian for 
"Deep in my heart, 
I do believe, 
we shall overcome ... !"

Did you spot it?  Yup, there's a definite and heartening trend towards "doing the bolshy" among our new "The Worker" from Indonesia!  They have begun to learn that they too have Rights.

 One week later:

Seems "doing the bolshy" works!

Ah, don't you just LOVE Hong Kong!

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