Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Weird 2!

Recently I told you about the weird stuff that had happened in this apartment recently.  Let me find that for you:  HERE.

Anyway, since I told you about it, these events continued. I've already mentioned Keith's chocolate bar being found stuck underneath the ironing board, which was fantastic because Keith was a witness to that entire episode.  He knows he put the bar on the kitchen bench only seconds before we both went out together for dinner, but when we came home and went for the chocolate ... it was gone. He eventually found it and was rather "Why did you do this?" then he realised and said "When did you do this?" so I was able to feel all smug and say "See, I told you this was happening!"

So being all tricky-dicky we left wads of money around the house, hoping to see it vanish so we could phone the police, however instead, a few days later, I came home to find all the money still there but all our shoes neatly lined up against a wall.  Keith and I are both veteran shoe-tosser-offers and lining shoes precisely against a wall is definitely not something it would occur to either of us to ever do ... so I was found it ever so creepy and did another mad hunt around the house ...

... and discovered this:

Can you see it?

There's a rope hanging outside our windows in the central airshaft!

Can there BE anything more bizarre?  Is it possible that someone is shimmying up or down that rope to swing into our windows to ... straighten our shoes?  I'm definitely not accusing anyone of simply swinging straight across since that Raymond's place and his lovely wife is heavily pregnant and, although doubtless deep in nest-building mode,  I'm exonerating her ... although the mental image of a very pregnant lady NINJA-ing across into our place to hide chocolate bars delights me to my very core.

But who would do such a thing? 

OK, don't make more of this than a quick look and a  "Gosh, those kids are skilled!" but ... well, you know how the kids at Keith's school do parkour ... and frequently paste their deeds up in facebook? Let me find you something to show you the level of their skills:

I think these are his!  
No faces so I can't say for sure!

Anyway, looking at all this weirdness with a logical head and applying Occam's Razor to events, that's my current explanation.  And the best thing about it is that, with parkour, you don't have to ask "Why?", because you know your average parkour-ists do what they do because they can!

And what am I going to do about it?

Well, all I can really do is what I've done.  I've locked all those windows ... and our shoes have been strewn ever since!

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