Saturday, August 27, 2011

Back in HK!

Back in HK.  Back to this stinking rotten heat and humidity.  Nonetheless, and despite having the most beautiful holiday - thank you, guys - and despite the fact that Beth is still away and Keith has been here for a fortnight on his own and so our apartment is a mess, it's nice being back.

And here's something wayyy-funny.  Hardly was I back a day before our only-Chinese-speaking neighbours filled me in on the building gossip ... which I think is - and naturally I can't be too sure about this - that the ghastly and mean-spirited Chinese lady - the one we call "Norman Bate's Mother" - who lives/d several floors below us, was carted off to a mental institution. Although I'm just guessing at what I was being told, I can't say I am surprised because, in the weeks before we left, she took up knocking at our door and then being obviously most surprised and angered to see me ... and then she'd rain down this incomprehensible abuse which always looked like it would end up with me being brutally beaten, although it hadn't yet come to that ... but which always made me think it was only a matter of time before I ended up being hurt.

Keith and I discussed this, naturally, at length and decided that the reason for her dangerously angry outburst was that she'd mix up our door for her son's door - he's the creepy guy we call Norman Bates - on a floor below and so would be outraged I was there, in her mind visiting with her son.

So, yes, if I've comprehended this gossip correctly, all I can say is "Yayyyyyyy!!!"

In the days to come, I'll be inserting appropriate photos in previous posts as well as posting stories about the holiday, however, in the meantime, I'll just select a photo at random and tell you the story of it if it's interesting:

 Australian post-bag!

Self-explanatory but still hilarious!

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