Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Birds Are These? For Richard!!

At the farthest end, Mong Kok Flower Market Street leads onto Mong Kok's Yuen Po Street Bird Garden:

 Through those red posts and down that lane.

It's hard to miss:
The Wall outside.

So that's how you find it.  Wander down the length of Flower Market Street, see that stunning wall, go through those red posts and down the lane ...

The lane! 

... until you reach, voila!!! ...

Where the caged birds sing!

This little area of the world is famous for being the place where elderly gentlemen come early every morning to show off their singing birds.  And I can now tell you that, late in the afternoon, they cover those birds up ...

... and go off together because they are also there to chat and play cards:

Anyway, it's a sweet little area of HK although we arrived late afternoon and so missed it at its best, however at 4 pm there was still a lot of life and action ...

... and a tad of animal cruelty:

 The poor little mite!  
Doesn't the Geneva Convention clearly state
that no cats are to be stored amidst birds!

However, this post is for Richard who is, as he's so amply demonstrated recently, such a big fat smarty pants at this bird-identification-thingy ...

... as well as being an amazing bird photographer ...

Astonishing, la?

... so let's set him a challenge:

OK, Mr Richard Smarty-Pants.  How many of these birds from the Mong Kok Bird Garden can you actually identify? Some I know, but some I've never seen before!

The same bird from two angles, just to help you!

My absolute favourite, 
with the sweetest song too!

 These babies could talk up a storm in TWO languages!
And the one nearest the camera did the best ever 
"evil villian" sinister laugh!
Keith tried to catch it on video
but it did an elaborate coughing fit instead.

So, Richard, how did you do?

For everyone else, this place is just lovely, even in the afternoons when "the show" - all those elderly men trying to out-compete each other with the bird-song - is over for the day.  Highly recommended!

And for details on how to get there are click on the link above.

1 comment:

Richard said...

The first one is obviously a funnel-necked parrot. I will get back to you on the rest of them.