Thursday, November 24, 2011

Our Songbird in Cairo!

There is something especially grim about watching the news when you know somebody right there, on site, where the horror is happening.  A dear friend who does not wish to be named in this regard because she doesn't like the sensationalism involved, but let me give you a small hint ...

... lives right on Tahrir Square, in Cairo, and not only does she regularly have an apartment full of teargas to deal with - milk gets it out of your eyes, and a heavy-duty air purifier cleans it out eventually, and when it gets really bad, race into the lift and travel up and down for a while - she has to walk through that death and squalor and ruckus every evening to get to her job.

I feel for her and fear for her, I really do, but she doesn't want commiserations. "Like everyone else in Cairo, I'm just trying to get on with my life." she tells us.  Yeah, they raise 'em tough in Fiji, but every night I watch that horror unfold ...

... so keep that in mind, folks.  It's not just a news story. Those are real people around there, living through that and, no, it isn't "God, are those Egyptians still at it!" at all.

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