Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Korean TV

When traveling, I can never resist taking in the local television usually because it's just so unusual and so frequently quite bizarre.  South Korea is no exception.

From what I could see, there are two English stations - one the BBC and the other a Hollywood movie station - plus they appear to have a French station, an Indian station, a couple of Chinese stations. The rest are Korean.

Korean TV is great; endless channels playing Pops in Seoul, and an entire channel devoted to Games of Go, which was like watching paint dry, but our very favourite show was definitely ...

... Korean Top Gear.

We watch the English version of Top Gear every week in HK and both of us adore it, and seeing it in Korean, even without subtitles, was an absolute joy. Neither of us could stop laughing, particularly at how right the three Korean hosts got Jeremy, Hamster and James.  In fact, the Korean Jeremy got British Jeremy's entire schtick down so pat that it was a joy to watch ...

 Look at that smug "I have a secret stiffy" smile.
Where have we seen that before?

 ... even those things that Jeremy Clarkson does that we'd never noticed before, like the way he fondle-taps the steering wheel.

And when Korean-Stig came on ...

... we were falling about laughing.

But then the helicopter crashed!

Seriously, the helicopter crashed.  Korean James Mayes was seeing if a Corvette was faster than a helicopter so they were racing ... and the helicopter crashed.

Let me see if it's on youtube, because I can't see how it wouldn't be:

That most certainly stopped our laughter. 

And after that we weren't game to watch any more Korean TV and switched over to watch BBC where we knew exactly what we were getting.

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