Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lili's Latest!

As you know, this blog throws a blanket of love around all Baby Jane's Possum Gang - all my baby sister's little gang of gentle and funny friends from back at boarding school in NZ, many decades ago these days - and this blanket is definitely big enough to throw over all their exceptional off-spring as well.

And they do have exceptional off-spring, as I've mentioned before, who all seem to have the courage and confidence to undertake the most interesting endeavours, all of which we give our unstinting support.

Anyway, the latest endeavour of a Child of Possum is that Abi's daughter Lili has entered "NZ's Got Talent" ... and entirely blew them away.

Let me find it for you:

Extraordinary, yes?  What a vocal range.  And the way she spins through those notes and hits every single one of them.

So, since she's got into the next round where the voting starts, so if you're in NZ will you give her your support in those ways that count?

I've been looking through youtube at her competition and ... oh wow ... this will be no easy win since she has some SERIOUS competition.  Have a stroll through youtube and check out 2012's crop of "NZ's Got Talent".  There are some freaky-good performers there.  In fact, for such a tiny population, that is some mega-grand gene-pool of talented performers that winsy little country has got going there.

Let me just select one fellow competitor so you know what Lili is up against:

Such a sweetie-pie, isn't she.  And "ridiculously amazing". Plus that proud mum of hers looks mighty familiar too. I wonder if I went to school with her.  Mind you, if I did, that'd change things a little as I'd be torn with regard who to support.

No, it's Lili, Lili, Lili all the way.

So please, if you're in NZ and so able to vote, please phone in to give your support to Lili.

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