Sunday, February 6, 2011

Townsville's 18 metre tidal wave!!

This is glorious!  You may have heard on the international news that Cyclone Yasi had sent an 18 metre tidal wave straight towards the small North Queensland city of Townsville!

We got that story here in HK and in among all that horrible impending disaster news it was a moment of lightness.  If there's one natural disaster you know CAN'T happen in NQ is a giant tsunami!  It's not possible! And there's a big reason for that.  It's called The Great Barrier Reef!

Anyway, here in HK we get that news and know from the get-go that it's unmitigated crap and were cross that anyone could have made up such a huge and outright LIE!

However Fiji-David now writes and it's hilarious:

"On the night the radio reports said we had 18 mtr tidal waves 
off Townsville. An hour later they said to scrap that report, 
because the beacon that measures the waves had tipped over in 
the cyclone and was giving a reading of the ocean bottom. 
Thank #0*# they got that wrong."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember hearing about that on the radio, although I hadn't heard about the 18 meter waves.