Saturday, April 16, 2011

Keith's P&T Annual Big Day Out - 2011

Keith is off today on his LEGENDARY P&T's Annual Big Day Out! 

I have told you all about these in the past; outings that are so BAD I've decided the Parents of the students at his school can only be described as "comedians of the first order."

I was in Australia this time last year, so I missed that one, but apparently they all went out for long coach ride out into the wilderness of New Territories to a Korean banquet hall for a traditional Korean banquet.  Sounds OK, right?  Not so!  When the food turned up that they realised it was NORTH Korean!  Cabbage, cabbage and more cabbage.  And it was followed by a very long, fraught and embarrassing coach ride back.

And here's what happened in 2009.

And here's 2008, which includes mention of earlier years.

So are you too just longing to find out what surprise these parents organised for the teachers this year.

(And it's raining today too!  Bahahahahahaha!!!)


Keith and co are out there somewhere and Black Rain Warnings have gone out!  Yup, there's a massive thunderstorm in the offing.  Bahahahahahahhhhhaaaaa! 


I doff my hat!  I call them Master!  Every time I think they've topped the top - reached the very pinnacle of plumbing the depths - they step it up a notch!


A two hour coach ride up to a fish farm near the border with China!  But anyone can do a fish farm!  To honour the teachers this year, the P&T took them to ... a FORMER fish farm!  A fish farm that hadn't been a fish farm for nearly 30 years!

 Keith visits a former fish farm!

Let me show you more:

 The path to the farm!

 The farm!

 The farm house!
 The neighbouring fish farmers!

But Keith, ever the cheery easy-going optimist, said it was worth it to get this single shot:

As for the organisers?  These comic geniuses?

As well as staying by the road to read newspapers, they watched model aeroplanes fly!

Kudos, P&T, kudos!  Long may you continue to astound me!

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