Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Random Post!

I have found a download of photographs in a different area on my computer, but I cannot see what they are.  Because I've put away this time to blog today, let me go in and select one at random, and - usual rules - I'll tell you about it if it's interesting.  If not ... well, I'll go do something else instead:

Ah, this is interesting.  This is a photo of Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna, Founding Father of Fiji. He's a totally amazing man, and one of the few men EVER who, no matter how deeply you dig into his life, you can never find anything that isn't honourable, decent, clever and good.

I have long wanted to have an Op Art Andy Warhol style portrait of him for my Wall of Heroes but I could never find a photo of him I liked enough.  This one, however, I found at the National Archives of Fiji and I'm thinking this could be it.

I've written to the National Archives asking if there is any reason why I can't use this photo for this purpose and have yet to receive a reply from them ... and thus if they're not saying no I see no reason why I can't proceed with this plan.

Although I already have a lot of oil paintings of my various heroes already on my walls, my current plan is to have three Op Art portraits - Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi and Ratu Sukuna - to hang together as a group.  Sounds great, yes?

Ah, Dafen!  How much do I love having a village of wonderful artists practically on my doorstep! Anything you can think of, they can execute for you and surprisingly cheaply too ... and it seems such a shame to NOT take total advantage of that, doesn't it.

Later: Am not at all happy with any of the Op Art programs currently available on-line. 

Decided to do my own version of the photo above so I could tell our friend Annie in Dafen exactly what I wanted done, but the old version I used to use and love is no longer anywhere to be found, so I've tried some of the others:

Don't like any of these and no matter how much I fiddle I can't get anything I'm happy with.

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