Living in Wan Chai as we do, during HK7s weekend we get to encounter a great many obnoxious drunk supporters from a great many nations. It's therefore handy to know how best to insult them. Somewhere, I've got a list of what to say to them to p*ss them off. Got to warn you, however, some of these phrases I actually have no idea of what they mean, so let me know if they get you punched out:
No, can't find the list. OK, will put them up when I find it, but in the meanwhile here are a few to get you started:

NEW ZEALANDERS: "You have a funny accent. Are you Australian?"

AUSTRALIANS: "Australia? That's part of Great Britian, right?"
FIJIANS: spoiled for choice here, but "Vi ci!" would do it, but more clever would be "You're from Fiji? Namaste!"

CANADIANS: "America: Canada! Same thing really!"

YANKS: "What small impoverished third-world country hasn't defeated you yet? Oh, I'm talking about rugby here, not your wars!" Oh, and this year I also came up with a great shuddup for when they say, as they always do, "This game is so dangerous. Why don't you wear padding?" "Because Mommy doesn't dress us before we go out to play!" (It's an original line by me, but feel free to use it at every opportunity!)
SCOTLANDERS: "Aren't you the guys China defeated?" or, if they're particularly obnoxious "Awa en fook yasel!"
TONGANS: "Fulei ki kasele o kai tae."
THE WELSH: "Drewgi siffilitig!"
SOUTH AFRICANS: "Iy pis my af brew."
SAMOANS: "Muli lapo'a."

ARGENTINIANS: "Are you an escaped Nazi?" or "Te la recomes doblada!"
KENYANS: "Bichi!"

ENGLISH: "Princess Anne looks like a horse!"
More of these still to come but please let me know if you have any good ones of your own!
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