Kill! Kill! Kill! So furious! Aaahhhhhhhhhh!!!
You will never believe what happened.
Talking to X, right?, and she says "Oh, after we left you last night we stopped off for a quick nightcap and there was just this most amazing singer there. You should have heard her. She had the purest voice I've ever heard, and she could sustain a note like no one I've come across, and she could make you feel such a depth of emotion it was astonishing."
"What was her name?" I ask.
"Don't know. Never heard of her. Anyway, we only meant to stay for a quick drink but she was so good we ended up staying to listen for an hour and a half."
"And you're sure you don't remember who she was?"
"From memory, she didn't have a name. Just used initials."
"Like k.d. lang does!"
"Yes! That's her name!"

Ah, yes, but was kd really there? Or was it like when Carole King dropped in to the Christian coffee shop that time to sing for the true believers? x
This time it was really, really, REALLY, kd lang. See, this is why I always believe these things ... because sometimes - just sometimes - it's for real!
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