Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What Kills Us This Week!

In this section, I try to anticipate what HK Magazine thinks HKers are most in a panic about this week. My guess from what I've been reading, since the big story is still earthquakes, it'll be something trivial like "morning sickness".

There's been some flap on this topic with people are asking why there isn't a pill to stop it. Um, HK, there was a pill! It was called thalidamide. You know what happened there, don't you? I reckon they aren't game to try for another one.
Besides, you can control morning sickness by cutting down on animal fats, salt and sugar, and by starting the day with a cup of ginger tea, taken before rising, and then by drinking apple juice all day!

However, there is something much more serious to talk about, although it's not happening in HK.
My Baby Sister and her family live in Innisfail, in North Queensland, where the cancer rates are abnormally high: something like 10 times the National Average. And most of those cancers are the ones most frequently seen in Vietnam in those areas where Agent Orange was sprayed.

Well, guess what? It's just come out that, yes indeed, between 1962 and 1966, the Australian Army tested Agent Orange just outside Innisfail, above the local beauty spot, Gregory Falls, where everyone swims on the weekends. AND it also seems that the Australian Government has been hiding the statistics of Innisfail cancers from both the public and the Australian Cancer Association.
Naturally, my sister is furious. When she moved from NZ, she chose to live in Innisfail because it was so beautiful and appeared so clean and health-giving. And now this.

Anyway, here's something I've already told Baby Jane but I'd also like to share with all the people of Innisfail.
As soon as Keith heard, out of concern for Jane and the kids, he went down to the HK Central Library to look up natural ways of removing Agent Orange toxic residue from the body and, miracle researcher that he is, he found something:
Miso soup.

Yup, the Japanese soup made from fermented tofu. But you must use the real type made with the traditional recipe that takes five months to ferment and NOT the new-fangled modern variety where they ferment it in two days and then add in rice flour to thicken it.
So, that's the answer. If Innisfail wants to deal with this horrible problem safely and without undue panic, the supermarkets need to start stocking REAL MISO in bulk and everyone has to add it to their daily diet. And, Innisfail, if you want to kick up a fuss and make trouble - and I really think you should because you've been lied to in the most shocking and dangerous fashion and you totally deserve to vent your rage - you can also insist that the Government PAYS for it and distributes it to you all for free! Forever! Or until they clean up every single scrap of toxicity! Whichever comes first!
Also, there are some interesting things you can add to miso that make it particularly effective specific to Agent Orange toxicity. I've given Jane the best of them, but please don't inundate her with requests. I'll also give the best recipe to Caroline Walker at the local health food shop on the main street and ask her to share it with you all, so go see her about it.
Now, just in case you need extra convincing that it really is this simple, here's evidence of just how effective Miso is against even the very worst levels of toxicity! Back when they dropped the Atom Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan's St Francis Hospital's medical team arrived at Ground Zero within hours to deal with the horrific casualties and they were there for many months ... yet not a single health care worker came down with radiation sickness nor any of the other later-developing cancers etc. This was so strange and unexpected, the Japanese investigated how they'd accomplished this feat ... and it turned out to be that they were all so busy they didn't have time to eat for months, so just guzzled down Miso at every opportunity. Seemed this was what saved their lives.
So there you go, Innisfail! A bowl of Miso soup! Real Miso soup. Daily! Or, at the very least, every two days! And go see Caroline Walker and ask her for the specific recipe and have a bowl of that once a week.

Also, at the back of my mind, there's something about how mushroom compost - particularly one made from a particular type of mushroom, although I don't remember which - clears up the residue of toxic chemicals in a spectacular fashion, AND there are no side effects.  Maybe you should ask your local council to check this out for you.  I know there's been an entire book written on the subject and several PhD thesis but I can't recall the names. Sorry!

Good luck with this and I wish you well! And if you want to vent your anger bigtime know that you have a supporter "right here in Hong Kong"! (OK, if you're under 20 you won't get that joke! It's from an old TV ad!)

Nope! Wrong again. According to HK Magazine, this week HKers are convinced they're going to die from ...


Seems HKU researcher have just proven that too much exercise is as bad for you as too little. No exercise and too much exercise: exactly the same immune system responses! Virtually non-existent!

Mmm, that will make HK very, very happy!  It's not a town that does a lot of exercise ... although it's a real hoot to see people on the treadmills at gyms when they absolutely won't walk up hills or stairs so the city has to build escalators for them! 

Oh, there is absolutely the coolest ever escalator gone down under Wan Chai.  You MUST see this.  In fact, I'll go out now and photograph it all for you.

Next posting, folks! You must see it. It's truly wonderful!

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