Friday, July 16, 2010

The Great Wall of Hong Kong Giveaway!

Just along from us, here in Wan Chai, there is a little park ...

... which has been taken over by developers and will be destroyed shortly to make way for a new high-rise.

When I heard about this last year, I went along to take photos so I could post on it, but even I could see the park was definitely in the wrong place, all grim and dark because it was overshadowed by too many non-residential sky-scrapers and so sad and lonely and unused and thus ... well, I didn't say a word.

Now, however, it's about to happen and I feel very sad I didn't do something. A park is a park is a park and you can never have enough of them.  Oh OK, Zhuhai shows us you can have too many of them, however HK doesn't and we really can't afford to lose them this way.

However, the good news is that there is some fabulous stuff in there which the developers ...

China Resource Ltd, 
with a "sustainable development" motto ...

... want to recycle by giving it away to a good and appreciative new home.

And top of this list of giveaways is The Nine Dragons Wall; a 1973 copy of an ancient wall in China:

China Resource offered it to Hong Kong City but our ... mmmm ... Department of Heritage (aka "Tear 'em all down".) effectively called it "a piece of junk" and refused to accept it, thus they are now offering it to any one on earth who knows they can effectively use it some place.

Thus it's yours for the asking.  I won't ask. Keith saw me reading the newspaper article and instantly said "NO! DON'T YOU DARE EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" and he's right because our shoe-box apartment is ... the size of a shoe-box ... and a giant wall through the middle is kinda a silly idea. BUT IT'S JUST SO BEAUTIFUL!

Mike went to have a look at it and decided what he really wanted was the little white marble wall in the front of this one; the one that's a copy of the little walls at the Summer Palace in Beijing.  Let me see if I have a shot:

Can you make out the white marble wall in front?  Not really?  OK, another shot:

Gorgeous too, isn't it!

And let me see if I have shots of the back and sides of this wall:

And just look at the quality of workmanship:

And all this could be yours for the asking, provided you have a plan and the wherewithal to dismantle it and take it out of there.

Mike was talking about a container and sea-mailing it to Fiji.  Hey, works for me!

There was lots of other stuff in the park there for the asking, but I'll save that for tomorrow's post.

Off now, and do drop by later so you can check it all out and decide if there is something in there your heart too desires.

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