Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Great Wan Chai Giveaway!

Went along to the "Last Chance to See" park yesterday afternoon:

It was so tragic.  The first thing I heard was birdsong. Yup, unseen birds singing their little hearts out, unaware that their entire future was in jeopardy.  It was like being in an Oscar Wilde fairy-tale.

Where will those birds go now?  Where will they sing? And all those little insects? And those little lizards?  And those poor taxi drivers?

Where will they all shelter now?

But you don't want to hear about that! You simply want to see what they wish to recycle, don't you! What they are giving away to good homes!

Well, apart from the wall ...

... with the amazing workmanship ... 

- which they still want someone to
dismantle and cart off for use elsewhere - 

... I'm not sure what they've got earmarked for other folk and what's still up for grabs.

Since there was a small digger on-site ...

 ... I'm guessing they've already got plans for the trees:

But those pavilions are wonderful too ...

 ... and the arcades ...

 ... and those bizarrely shaped little moongates ...

 ... and the waterfall ...

... and I'm guessing that all those are probably still there because they are still waiting for the asking.

But here's the stuff I really really want.  I mean, who wouldn't want to give a home to these wonderful lost little babies:

 And they have twelve of these wonderful dragon heads that I'm thinking would make amazing water-sprouts on the roof of my dream house:

I keep saying to Keith "I want. I want." and he keeps reminding me we have no place to store any of this stuff, so I'm thinking maybe I could store them at Aussie Christine's place.  She has a garden and everything.  So maybe I should ring China Resource and simply ask for it all.

So give me all of Monday to do this and then you can try ringing to get some of this booty for yourself.

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