Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter Procession in Seville.

The Lovely Lisa is back in Hong Kong after her jaunt around Spain and is currently turning her travel footage into nano-films. Here's the first:  The Easter Procession in Seville:

Isn't it creepy.  I kept waiting for something bad to happen, and all I got was some gorgeous guy scratching his ear.

But it looks fabulous, doesn't it. Kudos, Lisa, honey-bunny treasure!  Big kudos!


LisaTang said...

Easter procession in which enormous 'pasos' (floats) are carried around the streets of Seville.

Many of these floats are religious works of art that date back as far as the 17th century

LisaTang said...

Easter procession in which enormous 'pasos' (floats) are carried around the streets of Seville.
Many of these floats are religious works of art that date back as far as the 17th century