Thursday, January 6, 2011

Another Random NZ shot!

Still without my photos, although I do see I have them in a download someplace that I may be able to access, but only without seeing them.  So, just for fun, I'll download ONE and hope it's something I can talk about.

Server rejected!

Server rejected!

Honestly, that Keith!

Ah, my portrait of Lois, the most charming and lovely lady, and a wonderful potter who was so inspired by our visit to the museum in Taiwan, is now making Tings, sitting on her veranda for breakfast. It's one of those "life doesn't get any better than this" moments, but, no, I won't talk about her.  She wouldn't like it, I'm sure.

So let's try another one from the same batch!

Queens Arcade in Downtown Auckland

That was around the time I lost Keith and, since I know him so well, went looking for a music shop, and when someone told me there was one down the end of this Arcade, I hied myself off there and voila!  One husband!

 More?  OK, I'll download a while pile of them at once and see what we get:

 The toilet block at Matakana.

 Lois's goddess stack.
She made this.
Double-click for a closer look.

 Lois's delicious lime tree.

One more?

 A boat going nowhere!
This isn't the good shot 
I took of this, however!

Just one more, because I can!

 The last vineyard!

That one is really cute!  At the end of a previous post, I told you how I threatened poor sick Keith that he would die horribly if we didn't do something, and so we went out on a leisurely quest for his childhood.

When he was a boy, Henderson was a small town surrounded by vineyards that made the most amazing wine.  These vineyards were big in his life because he used to work at them as a teenager during the school holidays and they still dominate his memories of those halcyon days.  These days, however, Henderson is part of a sprawling great city - and constantly dissed by comedians and "Outrageous Fortune" as Auckland's Own Ghetto - and those vineyards are no more ... or so he thought. 

So yes, we wandered far and wide through the suburb, and we found the Scout Hut and one of the old giant trees where the neighbourhood boys used to have their tree house, and the field where they played Cowboys and Indians - the Pakeha versus Maori version - but it looked like that was it!  All the rest gone!

And then we spotted this!
So important, I'll show it to you again!

Through the trees, The Last Vineyard!  What a buzz!

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