Sunday, January 2, 2011

Keith's Uncle Jack!

Well, how cool is this?  NZ chose seven Kiwi heroes to feature in a seven part TV series on the particularly Kiwi brand of heroism during WWII, and one of the seven was Keith's uncle.

Uncle Jack!
Actually, it's an actor playing Uncle Jack!

The series is currently being aired and, oh boy, has it created a big snit-fest with every New Zealander and his dog asking "Why these seven? Why didn't you feature my uncle ... my dad ... my granddad ... my brother?" and getting really narky about it!  Tee hee!

Anyway, I suggested we all get together as a family to watch Uncle Jack's episode - maybe buy a bottle of champagne and make sure all the kids were there - and everyone looked at me like I was making a very odd suggestion and no one took me up on it.  

Really think I don't understand Kiwis, even if they DO have their very own particular brand of heroism!  Since it's something they don't want to celebrate, I'm guessing it could be something they're rather vaguely ashamed of!

Still, kudos to Keith's family for having a member being chosen as representative of how Kiwis do heroism! I'm very proud indeed to be part of them.

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