Sunday, July 13, 2008

How do they do it! Guangzhou. China!

Mainland China is doing a fine line in short-shorts this summer.

Fooling around with a
brass statue of a rickshaw.
But check out that queue at the back

Short-shorts everywhere you look:

I think it looks fabulous: But check this out:

Where is the cellulite?They simply don't have it.

No where else in the world, I'm convinced, you could have an entire wall of women in winsy little shorts and not see any sign whatsoever of cellulite.

It's not like the French where they whack on copious amounts of anti-cellulite cream!

This is just natural for them.
Diet? Exercise? Lack of airborne pollutants? (Joke!!! This is Guangzhou! The air is DENSE with airborne pollutants!)
My theory is that it's a combination of not eating dairy (Chinese don't.) and the fact that they're still using squat toilets.

Do you think that it's using one is the answer? All those deep thigh squats several times a day?

I think I want to remodel our bathroom. My thighs, I think, would appreciate the workout!

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