Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Last of the Rooster Olives, Guangzhou, China

This guy's name is Wong Chi-man. He's a Rooster Olive. In fact, he is the last of the Rooster Olives.
Since the Qing Dynasty, Rooter Olives are young men dressed as chickens, who wander the streets of Guangzhou, blowing their horns to attract the attention of "the ladies upstairs" (unmarried girls who weren't allowed outside), and then throwing them bags of sweeties (stored inside the chicken suit) through their open windows or up onto their balconies.

Wong Chi-man mourns the loss of the this uniquely Gaungzhou tradition and so is intent on keeping it alive as long as he's around by living out his days as a Rooster Olive. Of course, there are no more balconies and young unmarried ladies are allowed outdoors these days, and he's never learned the special Rooster Olive throwing technique but still Wong Chi-man believes the practise is so unique and special someone must do it, and putting himself on the line is the best way it can be done!

I just love it! Total kudos, Wong Chi-man. You are a true Hero of the People!

(Although the photograph is my own, I knew all about him thanks to HK Magazine's recent background story. So thanks once again HK Magazine!)

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