Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bloody Americans! #11222,000,000

Did you read? Americans bought out the Vegemite factory and renamed Vegemite - Australia's single most iconic product - "i-snack".

Outrageous! Bloody outrageous! Mind you, I'm already furious with the Yanks because of the way their on-line news, in the wake of Samoa's natural disaster this morning, is screwing around with the name of the capital of American Samoa. It's Pago Pago, you stupid dorks! When folk are in the midst of a terrible calamity, the last thing they need is for the news to get their capital's name wrong, and in the most patronising fashion possible too.

Oh, and it's pronounced Pang-o Pang-o. Let's see how the US TV news manages to screw that one up.

But VEGEMITE!!! Screwing around with Vegemite! Mine gott in himmel!!! CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, this is!

Think of this: generations of Australians have grown up with the song:

... and now the Yanks go rename it "i-snack"!


For the importance of Vegemite in the lives of Australians ... you just have to read my post about Mrs Jessie Jackson of Savu Savu to understand. It would even be not so stupid to say it's at the very heart of the Australian Identity!

And the Yanks have already screwed up ANZAC biscuits, SAO biscuits, Gingernut Biscuits ... other seriously iconic products ... but now they've gone for VEGEMITE!


Remember the song everyone was singing several years back "The Bastards Buggered Our Biscuit!"? Guess the new one will be "The Vuckers Vucked Our Vegemite!"

Go the backlash! Go the backlash! Go the backlash!


Anonymous said...

Gee, calm down, it's a publicity stunt. Designed to pull the chains of those suckers down under who take themselves too seriously.

Anonymous said...

You might enjoy this, Denise: