Yes, I gave him URL for the website for Couch-Surfing, and the URL, phone number and physical address of HK's Dutch Consulate, and even phoned the Netherlands Consulate myself several times to let them know he's there ... but he still continues to be down there in Luard Road every day, week after week after week, for three months tomorrow.
By week three, I HAD to know the story so I chatted with him and he's a perfectly nice fellow from Holland who has been working in New Zealand. His visa ran out there, so he had to leave but didn't have enough money to get home, so someone foolishly told him that he could get tickets cheaply in Hong Kong, so he flew here ... only to discover the tickets were still too expensive. So he's begging, he says, to raise the money he needs for that ticket. I've offered to buy him one but he says he won't accept my charity. (Mmmm, so what exactly is begging?)
Personally, I think, since he's sitting directly opposite a travel agency, it's really about "guilting out the travel agents" so they give him a cheaper ticket but doesn't realise he doesn't stand a chance. The Cantonese, both as good Buddhists and as followers of Confucius, have no remit to charity, so just IGNORE the plight of others. And this is obviously what's happened here. Although ...
... actually, it's all too weird for words. Although I've been forbidden to let him into our place, during the recent Typhoon 8, with endless hours of terrible thunderstorm, blinding rain and vicious wind, I couldn't stand the thought of him being out there without shelter so went down to get him.
He wouldn't come. Said being out in the storm was "thrilling" and that if he threw a can into the street, it would dance and fly back and forth for ages, and it was just amazing to watch. Odd, huh? I wasn't prepared to stand out in such a vicious storm arguing with him, so I gave him our address and told him to come if he changed his mind. He didn't!
Anyway, tomorrow is three months, and, since you can only get tourist visas for three months, I guess tomorrow means it'll become a police matter and there'll be all sorts of action about getting him deported and such! I told him this yesterday, and I guess I should go down now to find out what his plans are.
But please do note, he's been out on that street with all his belongings for three months, and he's never been attacked or robbed or had anything at all bad happen to him; sure, he's had nothing good happen, but 'nothing bad' is good too, I guess.
So that's my choice for this week:
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