Saturday, May 29, 2010

Random Photo # forgotten!

Busy today so again with the random photo.  This is, as you know, a post in which I choose a photo from my program with my eyes shut, and if it's interesting I talk about it, and if it isn't I don't:

Ah, Lady R.s bust of Sigmund Freud.  And since Wikipedia has a fine entry on the fellow - link here - I get to go off and take a Medicine Quest, which is my new big thing.  And if you don't know what a Medicine Quest is, it's a Native American tradition that, when you don't know what to do, you ask the Universe for an answer and take a long walk following no particular path and look for meaning in random passing events.

Mmmm, wonder what Freud would make of that?


Anonymous said...

It's not bloody Sigmund Freud! It's Lenin! And I bought it from Russia! Love, R xxx

Denise said...

Oh my, it is too! All those bloody depressive Europeans look the same to me.

Well, I wonder what Lenin would make of that!

irishpoetry said...

Was browsing the net and stumbled upon your site. Haven't seen this book before, but will sure be looking out for it. Thanks for sharing your brilliant health food info, so useful for me.