Sunday, May 2, 2010


Am in Cairns, Australia, recovering from Didi's gorgeous wedding.  Will be posting on the subject later, when I have photos.

In the meantime, let me share something I think I've discovered ...

You know how Ella is such a competitive wee git and if she can't be the best at something, she simply throws it away. Well, I think I now know why she gave up dancing.  Take a look at this youtube clip. Ignore the singer - although he's lovely - and just watch that incredible dancer.  He was from Ella's class. Caleb.

Would you too throw your hands in the air and think "I can't compete at that level!"  Honestly, I think we'd all think that, but hopefully we're not childish enough to throw it in too.

Anyway, thought I'd share that with you.  And I'll try to drop by more often and keep you up to date.

1 comment:

Denise said...

You do know that that appears to be the only dance that Caleb knows. Or at least the only dance that he does for performance.

He's done it to that song there, on So You think you can Dance, at our school, and I think a couple of other places too. I only remember the song, and a couple of moves, but I wonder if he's done it exactly the same, same moves, same everything, all the times he's danced it... So while he may be a spectacular dancer, if he's not expanding his dance repotoire, he won't be getting any better.

...Oh, and Denise, when you use someone else's computer, make sure that you log off when you finish.