Saturday, May 7, 2011

Scaffolding Screw Up! For Richard!

Richard loves the Hong Kong scaffolding, and I've blogged a story about the family who scaffolds for him.  Let me find it again:  HERE

Anyway, after years of watching that scaffolding come and go, and being amazed at how this family never falters nor makes a single false move, I was very excited yesterday to see, right in front of me, a scaffolding screw-up!

I took photos, although not of the event.  Just the aftermath:

I took a while getting my camera out of my bag, so I've missed all the action here, but you can see the water on the pavement behind those people who, only a minute earlier, got drenched when the scaffolders pulled back the tarpaulin, not noticing it was full of rainwater.

OK, as accidents go this is barely worth mentioning, but when you have a family that appear to never make a false move, it's noteworthy.

And let's have another look at them just because we can:

And yet another, so you can see that women in this family do this too:

And please note that what we're also seeing here is the demise of the bar and nightclub - gosh, forgotten the name already - that was in the James Bond film "Man With The Golden Gun."


Anonymous said...

bottoms up

Denise said...

Yes, you're right. Thank you. "Bottoms Up" was the name of the nightclub in "Man with the Golden Gun." and you can see for yourself it's now gone.