As for the rest, I've been there so often now I'm not sure I'm noticing anything new and different; at least nothing worth writing about. I now have a routine and each visit do the usual things; when I'm not working I drop by beautiful Shamian Dao because I love it and then Li Wan Square to monitor the creeping Ginzo-ness ... and then a wander around the financial district and maybe a trip or two around markets.
However, what is new is that Keith got me a gorgeous new pressie ...
No, it's not an electric shaver, although I did hear someone ask that of the person beside them. They were speaking Chinese, but "electric shaver" is the same in both languages so, just guessing, I think what she said "Why is that foreign devil pointing that electric shaver at me?"
How it works!
Can you see what it is? It's a movie camera! Isn't it gorgeous! I love it although it has so little weight it's hard to keep steady. And, well, apparently there's some war between Sanyo and Apple and Apple doesn't allow you to download your Sanyo-film into their whateveritscalled ... however I have a very smart husband who realised that all you had to do was put the memory card into our big camera and voila!, the war between Mr Apple and Mr Sanyo is no longer our problem.
But isn't it fabulous! Needless to say, I ran off heaps of film, so you will be seeing my nano-films the moment they are edited. Don't expect much. If you've seen any of the previous films I've made of my travels, you'll know that I'm the most incompetent film-maker ever ...
Remember this one?
However, I've asked Keith to edit my latest footage for me so at least that part of it will be competent!
I do have lots of stories ... actually, no, only a couple ... about this trip, but Hubby is hassling me to get off the computer because he has some new idea about how he wants to do these transititions, so I'd better be off.
But isn't it fabulous! Needless to say, I ran off heaps of film, so you will be seeing my nano-films the moment they are edited. Don't expect much. If you've seen any of the previous films I've made of my travels, you'll know that I'm the most incompetent film-maker ever ...
Remember this one?
However, I've asked Keith to edit my latest footage for me so at least that part of it will be competent!
I do have lots of stories ... actually, no, only a couple ... about this trip, but Hubby is hassling me to get off the computer because he has some new idea about how he wants to do these transititions, so I'd better be off.
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