However, we've discovered several solutions to this problem:
First off, HK is chokka with Libraries. Every suburb has a little one somewhere, and there's always our spectacular ...

... in Amoy Lane, off Johnston Road. As you can see, it's called The Book Attic and it's part of eco-friendly Jennifer's plan to save the planet.

Central Library ...
... in Causeway Bay next to Victoria Park.
The glass lift to the top floor.
I'm always shocked at just how full all these libraries always are, and by people reading such strange books too, like old Chinese gentlemen reading up on Latin names for New Zealand trees (like WHY???).
Secondly, if you are like us and want to actually own the books you love, you can buy secondhand books very cheaply since the various Oxfam's outlets have shelves of them for sale.
And there is always "Flow":
The downstairs entrance.
"Flow" is in Soho, just off the escalators, and if you are having trouble finding it, the door is right next to the big dummy of ...
Ivan the Kozak
"Flow" is the place where ex-pats dump their books when they leave our fair city, which means, consequently, the shop is literally packed to the rafters with cheap books.
And, finally, we are blessed that, exactly one year ago yesterday, Jennifer Li opened her book club just across the road from us ...
And, finally, we are blessed that, exactly one year ago yesterday, Jennifer Li opened her book club just across the road from us ...
... in Amoy Lane, off Johnston Road. As you can see, it's called The Book Attic and it's part of eco-friendly Jennifer's plan to save the planet.
The mission statement.
How Jennifer's book club works is that you donate unwanted books to the shop in order to earn points and you get those points taken off the price of any books you subsequently buy.
But there's more: It's also a reading club where folks with special interests lend their specialist library for a month. You aren't able to buy these ones, obviously, however you are welcome to drop by and browse through them to your heart's content.
Currently, there is an amazing specialist library on loan from ...
... who has a fabulous collection of books on Magic on loan to Jennifer.
In fact, this is only a small sample of his magic library, so there's more there to be seen. Most magicians don't like you knowing how things are done, but Cooloo is different and will be thrilled if you come by to check it all out.
So there you go. If you're interested in Magic, now is the time to drop by The Book Attic.
However anytime is a good time to drop by if you're just interested in BOOKS!
But there's more: It's also a reading club where folks with special interests lend their specialist library for a month. You aren't able to buy these ones, obviously, however you are welcome to drop by and browse through them to your heart's content.
Currently, there is an amazing specialist library on loan from ...
(Phone 91505472)
... who has a fabulous collection of books on Magic on loan to Jennifer.
So there you go. If you're interested in Magic, now is the time to drop by The Book Attic.
However anytime is a good time to drop by if you're just interested in BOOKS!
Hi Denise, thanks for introducing the Book Attic in your blog. Photos you sent me this morning are well received.
Cuba is one of my dream destinations to visit! Planning a trip to it is cool. Last year I read "Looking for La Bomba" by Richard Neill. It's Neill memoir of learning music in Cuba for a year. A light and interesting read. The book is in hands of a book/music lover in Taiwan now, if it comes back to the Attic, I'll keep it for you.
I would much appreciate it, thank you.
Your place is lovely and, as I said, we are blessed having you so close to home.
I will be blogging on Cuba as soon as our friend Christine gets back. I will also be posting the letter I got from her today, down below.
Want up-2-date books? Become a member of a university library. For a few dollars per year they let you be a member.
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