Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The White Matter Story!

In a tearing hurry as I have to go to Guangzhou again for work, but promised to tell someone dear The White Matter Story. It's this:

Someone nameless and who is 45 years old and who works with the elderly in a country I won't name either, got government funding to bring some big brain-scanning machine and an operator up to her, yes, unnamed small country town to screen and assess her clients for Alzheimer's; whether they had it and the extent to which they had it.

Everything was going well to plan, except one 87 year old client forgot to turn up, so our unnamed friend thought "Yippee! A spare spot on the program! Waste not, want not!" and, with the help of the operator, who was a fun person, decided to go through the brain-scanner herself, just for fun and to, you know, see what her brain looked like. Naturally, they left the name and details of the original client on the form.

Two weeks later, the assessments come back and Unnamed Friend grabs the faux results of her 87 year old client, and reads "Affirmative. Advanced white matter in evidence. However, given the patients advanced years, no further treatment is considered necessary."

And that's the very worrying White Matter Story.

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