Thursday, April 2, 2009

What Kills Us This Week!

Once again, HK is spoiled for choice regarding what to panic about:

1) Human hand, foot and mouth disease outbreak up over the border with 9 kiddies already dead from it. In the past, China wouldn't have told us so kudos on them for finally being open about these stream of epidemics and things that are forever breaking out up there, giving the rest of the world time to either prepare for it or prevent it, although, mmmmm, isn't it curious that it's always NINE children who've died in each of them. Is that code for something?

2) The shooting of Nepali Limbu is still in the news with silent protests and marches through the streets:

If you don't already know about that one, what happened was that an old lady saw a Nepalese guy urinating up in the heavily jungled hillside and reported him to the police, and when the police came to investigate the whole thing went terribly wrong and the guy ended up dead. (There's a film on youtube showing what happened.)

What turned this into an issue was not the sadness of it, but the fact that the police gave instructions to Limbu in Cantonese which he didn't speak, however the police said that didn't matter and, naturally, all we non-Cantonese speakers think it does and so minority groups are up in arms ... and there are currently death threats against the Chinese who've exercised their conscience on the matter and sided with those minority groups, which is really strange, nasty and kinda, like, you know, something not coming from around here but, like, someplace more to the North of us.

Like, seriously, if the police give me instructions in Cantonese that aren't "Hand over that toilet key and give me tea with milk!" I'm screwed!

3) Yeah, yeah, the Fiji riot! That's still news. Paula Maisiri jumped bail. I guess he thought that, since waiting around for the trial meant losing his ticket home and being penalised for that would cost more than his fine, it wasn't worth it. However, it does mean he will be arrested on his return to HK. Yes, I know, very Grace Mugabe Chic of him, but it does mean he can never play here again and that could worry him so it has to be sorted out.

Oh, and the other thing I have tell you is ... well, because of the pepper spray used on the Fijians on Friday night, everyone here is linking our riot with the shooting of Limbu, with folk here saying things like "Lucky the Fijians only rioted. If they'd publicly urinated ... well, THEN the police would have shot them all in the head."

4) But the biggest story is our humpback whale saga! USA is currently doing echo-soundings around the seabeds of our region. It's something to do with finding out what's happening with the fault line off the coast of Taiwan since their earthquake three years ago, they say.

But then, for the first time ever, a humpback whale hies into our waters, so rather than racing out to catch it for dinner, as would have happened anytime in the past, we're making a connection and demanding to know what USA is doing to p*ss off the ocean life to make them behave uncharacteristically. And then we were told the decibel level of the soundings and, oh boy, when our Ocean Park guys said that it was so high it would burst whales and dolphins eardrums, we've all been in a massive knicker-knot, stressing out about cetacean cochlea ... words we'd never even heard up until last week.

We're also worried about having him in our region because it's one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world and he could be hurt, and so that's yet another thing to panic about!

However, even though it's our biggest story, that's not going to be our choice for Threatdown this week. This week's


Jackie Chan in "The Shinjuku Incident"
No one likes it that Our Own Jackie
has finally made a serious movie!

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