Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"Greeting the Sun"

Quick story from this holiday; the best and funniest thing that happened. However, I won't tell it with names in order to save SOMEONE who richly deserves it from feeling mighty embarrassed:

See, I'm currently under instructions from my Hong Kong chiropractor to do the "Greet the Sun" yoga routine every morning. Apparently my spine needs it. And, you know, I kinda do what I'm told, often frequently.

Well, we were someplace ...

... unnamed ...
(photo taken through my sunglasses,
just for effect.)

... with some people - unnamed - when I was woken just past dawn by one of them "Come on. Let's go out and do the Greet the Dawn Sun yoga routine" said annoyingly cheerful Nameless.

Not happy! I prefer the "Greet the Noon Sun" routine myself! But ...

So we walk out onto the XXX. "From what I recall, we have to do it facing East." says The Needlessly Cheerful One. "Which way is East?"

"That way!" I say, pointing to the rising sun.

"No. No. I've got a very good sense of direction. It's ... mmmmm ... that way!" she says, pointing to the North West.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's this way." I say, again pointing to the sun.

"No, you're wrong. It's very definitely this way."

So, because she was so insistent and so sure, and because I have very good manners and that Fiji mana-thing about never showing up people and therein making them lose face, I did it her way ...

... then, as we were walking back later - me returning to bed - Needlessly Cheerful One says "Oh, silly us. We should have done "Greet the Sun" facing the sun. Why on earth didn't we think of it!"

Mmmmm, silly, silly US!

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