Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Holiday Ends!

The holiday is almost over. Last day today. Am looking forward to returning to HK but am really sad saying goodbye to people. It's like I feel I won't see them again, or that, when I do see them, things will be very very different. Most odd!

Baby Jane is trying to talk me into returning to Oz in March for Didi's wedding and she's being very persuasive. "We NEVER gather together as a family these days. We HAVE to do it this time." Mmmm? Does guilt work? Perhaps. I'll have to talk to Keith.

Have heaps of news and will tell all when I have more time, and have a photo program so you can see what I'm on about. Always helps!

And for those folks who enquired about my gecko mosaic ... poor me, didn't get back to Innisfail in time to do such a huge project, so, oh dear, so sad, I just did a gecko mosaic mirror instead:

It turned out really lovely and Jane is super-thrilled - couldn't stop looking at it - and is planning to put it behind the computer in "Gecko Guesthouse". I think it will work really nicely there. It's a dark corner and it definitely needs a bit of Feng-Shui sparkle to liven it up a bit.

Gosh, I do love doing things like this, although my finger-tips are now all sliced up and I've got grout-burns everywhere and my hands are black from residual glue and absolutely nothing will get it off ... but I've chosen to wear all this as a badge of pride: "Hey, folks, look at these hands. I'm sooo an ARTIST!!!"

1 comment:

Julia said...

Hi Denise

If you are going to come to the wedding which is on 30th April, can you please let us know as early as you can as it is a plated menu and numbers are critical.

