Sunday, August 23, 2009

The International Song Writing Competition, 2009!

After posting about how much I loved Kate Miller-Heidke, several people have written and it turns out I have that "three degrees of seperation" thing I've talked about before, going with her; several times over too. Most odd!

But the most interesting of all of them is that ... well, you remember several months ago I posted about how our friend Opi, from the amazing Kiwi band Te Vaka, had a song nominated for Best New Song of 2009 in the world's BIGGEST song writing competition? Remember how I asked you to give him your support?

If you've forgotten, here's the song:

Gorgeous, huh! And that's Opi at 2.47-2.49!

And it got placed in the top five of the competition. It also won "People's Choice" award.

But here's what I've just discovered:

First place in that same competion was none other than a song by ...

Kate Miller-Heidke.

Let me see if I can find it as well:

So, what ya reckon? A better song than Opi's?

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