Friday, August 21, 2009

Kate Miller-Heidke

Have you come across Kate Miller-Heidke yet?

Maureen sent me her Facebook song, and I fell about laughing. So very funny and also so very true. So rarely do folk get that right. And so, awe-struck at the combination of talent, humour and astuteness, I've been googing for other stuff she's done and have to say the more I come across the more I just adore her.

Check out this version of John Farnham's song "You're the Voice":

Amazing, isn't she! Like the secret love-child of Kate Bush and Lady Gaga. Astonishingly good voice, a wicked sense of humour and just the right amount of Totally-Bent. And she's a Brisbane girl too! Jaw-dropping, huh! Brisbane must have come a long way since I left, decades back, shaking my head at what a nasty little provincial place it secretly was!

And now the city's producing treasures like Kate Miller-Heidke! You go, Brisbane!

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