Thursday, January 7, 2010

Psychopaths R Us!

How sick is this?  After nearly three days of temperatures hovering around 8 degrees centigrade, and me not going out, lolling in bed, shivering under the doona, doing the cryptics, with Keith too busy at school, thus away long hours and so testy and uncommunicative when he's home ... and suddenly this ridiculous song has started winding through my head:

It's like the last thing you need, isn't it, when you've been alone for days: a murder ballad; Psychopaths R Us; a song about denial of identity and personal obliteration etc, etc, etc.  This simply isn't healthy!

And you have to ask yourself "WHY? Why THIS song?"

Hey, did you hear the song way back then?  Early 90s, wasn't it?  And remember how all the "too cool for school" trendoids were talking about 'this amazing son' sung by 'this gorgeous woman', and I'd go "Oh, you mean the new Kylie Minogue song?" and they'd go all instant-outrage and "IT IS NOT!" they'd shout.  Remember how, back then, Kylie was really only known for ...

... and was scorned by trendoid-types and they'd sneer at her and knew her as "the singing budgie". And then suddenly this song.  Talk about instant-credibility, huh?  Only the trendoids couldn't handle it and were most cross that she'd come out of the box they'd put her in.

Still, street-cred or not, this is NOT a song you want to suddenly find yourself humming when you're shut away from the world.

Although, I think "Locomotion" would be a lot worse. And a damn sight sicker, yes?

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