Well, after seeing six of them in a row we were like "No more. Please, no more." ... and then, for the sake of good manners, we saw another twelve of the stupid bloody things and after that it was good-manners-be-damned, we were out of there. I was so over-dosed by that experience that these days even a glimpse of yet another sodding wat and I'm ready to run away screaming.
But you do need to at least see a couple of wats because that's what Thailand is really all about.
Wats to see? Go to The King's Palace for the most beautiful and, as a bonus, you get your five all in one hit. Oh, and F.Y.I., here's a warning: the touts outside the palace always say "The palace is shut for lunch" or whatever and tell you that you have two hours before it opens again and offer you a sight-seeing tour to fill your time. It's all lies!!! They take you to jewellery shops and a wat or two ... and meanwhile the palace was open the whole time. There are all these signs INSIDE the palace warning you about it, but, like, isn't that too late?
Oh, oh, oh, and you MUST go to Chatachap Markets. (jewellry shop above) It will astonish you. Honestly, Thai's have to be the most artistic and clever people on earth. This market is full of homemade stuff that will absolutely melt your heart ... and would also open your wallet except it's undoubtedly already been stolen. Pickpockets everywhere. I always keep a decoy wallet atop my real one because I know I'll lose it. And catch the skytrain there. That's really good fun and sooo convenient.
Hope this helps you organise your itinerary. I have heaps more information but I suspect that's all you'll have time for - especially since you'll forever be highjacked by touts, tuktuk and taxi drivers and taken to jewellery shops. Avoid dealing with them since they don't understand the meaning of the word "NO!!!" and they end up wasting huge chunks of your time ... and there's a limit to how many pieces of jewellery you can buy and you don't want to see more stupid bloody sodding WATS than you have to!!!!
Hope this helps you organise your itinerary. I have heaps more information but I suspect that's all you'll have time for - especially since you'll forever be highjacked by touts, tuktuk and taxi drivers and taken to jewellery shops. Avoid dealing with them since they don't understand the meaning of the word "NO!!!" and they end up wasting huge chunks of your time ... and there's a limit to how many pieces of jewellery you can buy and you don't want to see more stupid bloody sodding WATS than you have to!!!!
1 comment:
Hi Denise,
I use a Mac Book, and this effect comes with the program that.. comes with the Mac Book haha.
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