Sunday, January 18, 2009

What Kills Us This Week!

I have to go up to China this week.

Yes, I know what you're thinking: "who would be so stupid as to go up to China during Chinese New Year, when over 100,000,000 folk are in transit, and 20 million cross over the borders!" Well, it's for work and I didn't realise the significance of the date when I agreed. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

This time last year, you'll recall, China had that sudden cold snap and all 100 million travellers were stranded and trapped someplace ... 3 million at Guangzhou Railway Station.
Guangzhou Station.

And here's the space they were all in:

3 million people trapped in this really quite small space. And you'll recall the various stampedes there that killed dozens in there?

And that's where I'll be passing through in just a few days.

And even if there isn't another cold snap, this lets you know how many people will be in front of me in the queue for Immigration. Let's just hope that there aren't any other Foreign Devils who will be so stupid as to go up there, and so Foreign Devil Queue will be empty. But then there'll be the taxi queue. OMG!!!

Anyway, the whole prospect is looming so grim it is starting to look like An Adventure.

I will definitely be blogging on the subject, so watch this space.

So that is my choice for this week:


Chinese Borders during Chinese New Year.

Even if they are pretty!

And, although in an entirely different country, passing mention should be made of this:

It's the front page of Mackay newspaper; Mackay being a small town in North Queensland, in Australia:


OMG Headlines!

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