It's a ferry-ride away from Cairns ...
... to a little island ...
... and surrounded by endless miles of coral reefs. Sounds yummy, right? Lucky us, right?
Would you believe it's freezing cold with endless brutal squalls and rainstorms ...
... and the light jumper and "a little cardigan for nights", all I thought I'd need, are hardly adquate so I can't stop shivering. And the winds!
We've just come back from a hike around the island and, honest!, the wind ripped the sunglasses from off my face and flew them right down the length of the beach, and every time I tried to have a smoke the wind whizzed the cigarette out of my hand and down the sleeve of my jumper. Not fun!
and hiked back through the jungle instead!
However, from the photos, you can see for yourselves just how pretty the place could be if the skies weren't so grey and the sea not so ominous.
Would love to go scuba diving but the thought of getting wet when it's this cold is so yuck I won't even swim. Baby Jane keeps talking about grabbing a couple of sun loungers and staking ourselves out on the beach for a few hours ... but she's either barking mad or spent too long in New Zealand so has lost her sense of perspective ...
... as has everybody from the Northern-most bits of the Northern Hemisphere:
... to her own special place where she spent her own honeymoon more than 20 years ago and has nothing but glorious memories about, so I really should stop all this "dissing" and go down to join her on the sun loungers and ...
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