Friday, July 31, 2009

Kate Talks About Swine Flu!

How many folk do you know who've actually had swine flu for real? Kate now has. She's been sick since last Saturday and was diagnosed on Monday and is still sniffling and coughing now although she's no longer quarantined.

So what's it like: Kate says "Imagine being the sickest sick you can imagine where your whole body hurts so much that even moving a finger makes you want to cry, and you vomit even water and, on top of that, you have a really vicious migraine that squeezes your head like nothing you've ever imagined before and no amount of panadol will alleviate the pain. And that lasts for three whole days and nights that seem to last for years ... and then it settles down and you get the regular type of flu with all the coughing and sore throat and painful chest and the only difference is that you have rivers of green snot that gradually settles down to regular-looking snot, and that lasts for two days but you feel so happy that you aren't as sick as you were for the three days that it feels like it's all nothing and you want to go out and do stuff."

So there you go. Your very own first-hand account of swine flu!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

denise makes it sound way worse then it was but it was bad, you never want to get it at the same time im glad i had it now b4 it comes a super bug anyhoo bye xox