News? Well, the big talk is still the Nina Wang court case. As you may have heard, Nina, the richest woman in Asia - who recently died of womb cancer because she was taking fertility treatment to keep herself young - left all her money to her own charity as she wanted it to be used to start a Nobel Prize thing for China, but now her Feng Shui Master, Tony Chan, is claiming Nina's "Feng Shui Will" is the real one. Naturally, this "Feng Shui Will" - which is meant to be burned so nothing bad happens as a result of the real will - left all the money to him.
Huge expensive courtcase! See what happens when you don't burn your Feng Shui Will!
I can't bear Tony Chan. What a sleazebag! And so clearly "masked"! And have you also noticed how much he looks like a Yue Minjun painting?
If you haven't, let me convince you. See this painting, right?
You tell me if they aren't "seperated-at-birth identical twins"?
Anyway, for weeks now HK has been agog with reading all about what Nina "Little Sweetie" Wang got up to on the Feng Shui front, all encouraged by Tony "Yue Minjun-Mask" Chan. (By the way, all the REAL Feng Shui Masters have been denouncing him as a fraud for years, especially since he opened his own Feng Shui School without himself having a single moment of formal training.) There's so much in there that's weird and sleazy and truly icky that it makes for a really fun read ... and I strongly suggest that, if you want a good laugh, you follow the story for yourself.
Me, I want to talk about something else! Something really odd! Do you remember back in the 1990s in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, how that very rich "Crazy Cat Lady" who lived in that gorgeous house on the hill in the Grange was murdered by her Feng Shui Master? I remember when that happened it rang a bell with me because I recalled that another rich old lady was also killed by her Feng Shui Master ... but I can't recall that other case now! Just that there was one!
Honestly, my memory is soooo going!
But I think what it shows is that there is something going down with Rich Old Ladies and Sleazy- Con-Men-who-call-themselves-Feng-Shui-Masters. And that it usually ends in tears!
Wait a second! Was it Doris Duke? Poor Little Rich Girl herself? Wasn't there a Feng Shui Master involved somehow in her death? Or am I thinking about some other Poor Little Rich Girl!
Anyway, that's going to be my choice for last week:
Having money and a Feng Shui Master!
Having money and a Feng Shui Master!
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