Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Kills Us This Week!

Yes, I know, this column is something I do merely to get a laugh at Hong Kong's propensity for panic and, since I'm not in HK at the moment, I shouldn't be doing it ... but this HAS to be said!

Queensland Health Department is proving itself to be so stupid and inept it can only be seen as dangerous!

Baby Jane, as you know, just spent many days in the company of a lady whose "bad cold" tested positive for swine flu. Jane really doesn't mind getting it early, because, like me, she's aware that this early strain most likely will simply set you up with an immunity against the up-coming killer strain, so it shouldn't be a problem ...

... except ...

... she runs an Old Folks' Home - sorry, sorry, "An Aged Care Facility" - and she simply CANNOT introduce this potential killer disease into their environment. I mean, her old folk don't have the general health to cope and it simply isn't nice to wipe out all your clients in one fell swoop, is it!

But what to do? How many days does she have to quarantine herself? When can she go back to work? What protocols is she to follow?

Rose, the town's normally amazingly efficient Health Officer can't help, sorry, because she has yet to be given the Swine Flu Advisory and Protocols because, as far as she can discover, Queensland hasn't yet developed any.

Baby Jane's been trying to find out for herself and so is making enormous numbers of long distance phone calls down to Brisbane simply to find she's being given the run-around: turns out there is no chain of command in place, no flow of information, no one is being told anything, NOTHING IS BEING DONE!

So, yes, I know I laugh at Hong Kong's constant over-caution and over-rigid planning ... but to find yourself in the exact opposite situation I now discover is so very much worse!

Honestly, this is just wrong, isn't it! I mean, here in Australia they charge nearly A$20.00 for a single packet of cigarettes because they say SMOKING IS THE CAUSE OF ALL DISEASES - a lie, as we all know, but, for them, a convenient one because it justifies how they make smokers pay for the entire package of Australian Health Services - and yet, despite having all this money, and being two months in, Queensland Health is so inefficient and ineffective that they can't even BEGIN the process to set themselves up for a possible pandemic.

So that's my choice for this week:


The frighteningly stupid people who run this State!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that I have stumbled upon the reason why Queensland Health is in such a state.
You see it all has to do with your comment on the price of cigarettes, and... "it justifies how they make smokers pay for the entire package of Australian Health Services". Ask any Queensland government pollie what the problem with the Health system is and they will indicate it is a lack of money. Sooo, the remedy for the problem is for the smokers to buy more cigarettes, and so increase the funds to an acceptable level.